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Bibliographie du bouddhisme de la Terre Pure (avant 1995)
Pure Land Buddhism Bibliography (before 1995)

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Inde / India ¦ Chine / China ¦ Corée / Korea ¦ Tibet

Japon / Japan ¦ Jodo-shu ¦ Jodo-Shinshu


- Dernière mise à jour : 12 juin 2005 / Last update : June 12, 2005 -


  1. Bibliography on Buddhism. (Hanayama Shinsho, ed). Tokyo, Hokuseido, 1961.

  2. Bibliography of Foreign-Language Articles on Japanese Buddhism, 1960 to 1987. Shinshu-sogo-kenkyusho kiyo, 6 (1988), p. 151-212.
    • Supplement 1960 to 1969. Id., 8 (1990), p. 1-21.

  3. Donald, Holzman; and others : Japanese Religion and Philosophy : A Guide to Japanese Reference and Research Materials. University of Michigan, Center for Japanese Studies, Bibliographical Series, Nr. 7. Ann Arbor, 1959. Rpr. Westport, Greenwood Press, 1976.

  4. Ducor, Jerome : "Genchi", bibliographie des Ecritures Shinshu en langues occidentales / "Genchi", Bibliography of Shinshu Scriptures in Western Languages (On-line)

  5. Ishihara, Jones : Western language bibliography of Pure Land Buddhism related topics compiled for the Int'l Association of Shin Buddhist Studies (IASBS). Berkeley, Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1989.

  6. Muraishi Eshô : A Bibliography on Pure Land Buddhism Written in English. Junshin Gakuho, 2 (Tokyo, Gendai jimbun kagaku kenkyusho, Dec. 1983), p. 1-33.

  7. Nakamura Hajime : Indian Buddhism, A Survey with Bibliographical Notes. 1980. Buddhist Traditions, vol. 1. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1987.

  8. Rhodes, Robert F. : Bibliography of English-Language Works on Pure Land Buddhism : 1960 to Present. Shinshu-sogo-kenkyusho kiyo, 1 (1983), p. 1-28.

  9. Tanaka, Kenneth K. : Bibliography of English-Language Works on Pure Land Buddhism : Primarily 1983-1989. The Pacific World (Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley), N.S., No. 5 (Fall 1989), p. 85-99.

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Généralités / Generalities

Auf Deutsch

  1. Haas, Hans : Amida Buddha Unsere Zuflucht, Urkunden zum Verständnis des japanischen Sukhâvatî-Buddhismus. Quellen des Religions-Geschichte, II, 8. Gottingen und Leipzig, 1910.

  2. Steineck, Christian : Quellentexte des japanischen Amida-Buddhismus. Studies in Oriental Religions, 39. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1997. ISBN 3-447-03823-3

  3. Zotz, Volker : Der Buddha im Reinen Land, Shin-Buddhismus in Japan. Diedrichs Gelbe Reihe, Bd. 92; München, Diedrichs, 1991.

In English

  1. Blum, Mark L. : Pure Land Buddhism as an Alternative Mârga. The Eastern Buddhist, N.S., XXVII-1 (Spring 1994), p. 30-77.

  2. The Pure Land Tradition : History and Development (James Foard, Michael Solomon and Richard K. Payne, eds.); Berkeley Buddhist Study Series, 3; Berkeley, Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1996. ISBN 0-89581-0921

En français

  1. Eracle, Jean : La doctrine bouddhique de la Terre Pure, introduction à trois Sutra bouddhiques. Mystiques et Religions. Paris, Dervy-Livres, 1973.

  2. Lubac, Henri de : Amida. "Aspects du Bouddhisme", II. Paris, Seuil, 1955.
    - Réédition à paraître in "Oeuvres complètes", t. XXI (Editions du Cerf).

  3. Wieger, Léon : Amidisme chinois et japonais. Imprimerie de Hien-hien [Xianxian], 1928.

In italiano

  1. Furukawa Tairyû : Incontro con il Buddhismo della terra Pura, Commento al Tannisho (Note per deplorare le deviazioni) [td. Tannishô, Saigo to hitori wo sukuu mono]; introduzione et traduzione : Franco Sottocornola. Bologna, EMI della Coop SERMIS, 1989.

  2. Lubac, Henri de : Amida (tradotto da C. Danna). In "Aspetti del Buddhismo"; Opera omnia (Sezione sesta "Buddismo"), t. 21 (Milano, Jaca Book, 1980), p. 139-449.

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Inde / India

  1. Brough, J.: "Amitâbha and Avalokitesvara in an Inscribed Gandhâran Sculpture". Indologica Tauriensia, X (Torino, 1982), p. 65-70.

  2. Ducor, Jerome : Bibliography of Indian Scriptures in Western Languages Translations (Genchi, on-line bibliography)

  3. Fussman, Gérard: "La place des Sukhâvatî-vyûha dans le bouddhisme indien". Journal Asiatique 287-2 (1999), p. 523-586.

  4. Huntington, J.C.: "A Gandhâran Image of Amitâyus' Sukhâvatî". AION (Annali dell Istituto Orientale di Napoli), Vol. XL (1980), p. 651-672.

  5. Schopen, Gregory: "The Inscription on the Kusan Image of Amitâbha and the Character of the Early Mahâyana in India". JIABS, Vol. 10, No. 2 (1987), p. 99-137.

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Chine / China

  1. Andrews, Allan A. : Nembutsu in the Chinese Pure Land Tradition. E.B., N. S., III-2 (Oct. 1970), p. 20-45.

  2. Stevenson, Daniel B. : Pure Land Worship and Meditation in China; in Donald S. Lopez, Jr. (ed.), "Buddhism in Practice" (Princeton Reading in Religions, 2; Princeton Univ. Press, 1995), p. 359-379.

  3. Zürcher, Erik : The Buddhist Conquest of China. Sinica Leidensia, vol. 11. Leiden, 1959; rpr. 1972; 2 vols.

Shandao Tradition

  1. Atone Jôji : Shan-tao's Interpretation of Nien-fo: From Meditation to Chanting; in "Ju-Butsu-Dô sangyô shisô ronkô" (Makio Ryôkai hakase kiju kinen; Tokyo, Sankibô Busshorin, 1991), p. 43-80.

  2. Chappell, David Wellington : The Formation of the Pure Land Movement in China: Tao-ch'o and Shan-tao. In "The Pure Land Tradition", p. 139-171.

  3. Fujiwara Ryôsetsu : The Way to Nirvana, The Concept of the Nembutsu in Shan-tao's Pure Land Buddhism. Tokyo, Kyôiku Shinchô Sha, 1974.

  4. Nishi Hôjun : Huai-kan's View on the Pure Land. The Pure Land, N.S., No. 3 (Dec. 1986), p. 57-66.

  5. Pas, Julian F. : Dimensions in the Life and Thought of Shan-tao; in David W. Chappel (ed.), "Buddhist and Taoist Studies", 2 (Asian Studies at Hawaii, No. 34; Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1987), p. 65-84.

  6. Pas, Julian F. : Visions of Sukhâvatî, Shan-tao's Commentary on the Kuan Wu-Liang-Shou-Fo Ching. SUNY Series in Buddhist Studies. Albany, State University of New York Press, 1995; ISBN 0-7914-2519-3 / 0-7914-2520-7

Other Traditions

  1. Cleary, Jonathan Christopher (trsl.) : Mind-Seal of the Buddhas, Patriarch Ou-i [Chih-hsu, 1599-1656] 's Commentary on the Amitabha Sutra. Foreword, Notes and Glossary by Van Hien Study Group (Internet).

  2. Greenblatt, Kristin Yü : Yun-ch'i Chu-hung, The Career of a Ming Buddhist Monk. Ph.D. Columbia University, 1973; 445 pp. UMI's order nr. 7329832

  3. Stevenson, Daniel B. : The Four Kinds of Samadhi in Early T'ien-t'ai Buddhism; in "Tradition of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism" (Peter N. Gregory, ed.; Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1986), p. 45-97.

Pure Land and Chan

  1. Chappell, David Wellington : From Dispute to Dual Cultivation : Pure Land Responses to Ch'an Critics. In "Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism" (Kuroda Institute, Studies in East Asian Buddhism, No. 4 (ed. by Peter N. Gregory; Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1986), p. 163-197.

  2. Ingram, Paul O.: The Zen Critique of Pure Land Buddhism. Journal of the American Academy of Religion XLI, no. 2 (June 1973), p. 184-200.

  3. Shih Heng-ching : The Syncretism of Ch'an and Pure Land Buddhism. Asian Thought and Culture, vol. 9. New York, Peter Lang, 1992. ISBN 0-8204-1681-9
    • Review by Jan Van Bragt : JJRS 20 / 4 (1993) (pdf)

  4. Shih Heng-ching : Yung-ming's Synchretism of Pure Land and Ch'an. Journal of The International Association of Buddhist Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Bloomington, Indiana University, 1987), p. 117-133.

  5. Yü Chün-fang : The Renewal of Buddhism in China, Chu-hung and the Late Ming Synthesis. Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions'Series. New York, Columbia University Press, 1981.

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Corée / Korea

  1. Jang, Hwee-ok : "Wonhyo and Rebirth Tales of Kwangdok and Omjang from Silla". Acta Asiatica, 66 : Buddhism in East Asia (Tokyo, The Toho Gakkai, 1994), p. 57-68.

  2. Lee, Léo (Li Kye-san) : Le maître Wôn-hyo de Sil-la du VIIe siècle, Sa Vie, ses écrits, son apostolat; Avec la première traduction annotée de son traité sur la renaissance dans la Terre pure d'Amitâbha [T. 47, 1965]. Séoul, Librairie Catholique (Ka-tol-lik chul-pan-sa), 1986.

  3. Minamoto, Hiroyuki: "Characteristics of Pure Land Buddhism of Silla". Studies in Korean Religions and CuIture (Lewis R. Lancaster and Chai-shin Yu, ed.), vol. 4: Assimilation of Buddhism in Korea, Religious Maturity and Innovation in the Silla Dynasty (Fremont Ca., Asian Humanities Press, 1991), p. 131-169.

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  1. Amitabha Sadhana (Bde chen zing sgrub bsdus pa). Big Rapids (Mi.), Karma Kagyü  Institute, 1987.

  2. Chagdud Khadro : P'owa, le transfert de la conscience, instructions selon les révélations de Rigdzin Longsel Nyinpo (td. par Micheline Nataf). Saint-Cannat, Claire Lumière, 2000.

  3. Chagmed Rinpoche (Ragasya) : The Sadhana of Dewachen, a mind treasure from the deep whispered lineage of the Space Dharma (trsl. by the 4th Karma Thinleypa and David  Stott). In "Refuge, Part 2 : Short and useful sections of Dharma clearly lighting the  right Path", p. 45-60.

  4. Gyal-wa Gendun Gya-tso, the 2nd Dalai Lama : The Longevity Yoga of the Bodhisattva of Life. In Glenn H. Mullin, "Death and Dying, The Tibetan Tradition" (Boston and London, Arkana Paperbacks, 1986), p. 149-172.
    • Les Yogas de Longévité d'Amitayous. In Glenn Mullin, "Pour Mieux Vivre sa Mort, Anthologie Tibétaine" (Lavaur, Ed. Trismegiste, 1990), p. 61-81.

  5. Kapstein, Matthew T. : "Pure Land Buddhism in Tibet ? From Sukhâvatî to the Field of Great Bliss". Approaching the Land of Bliss, Religious Praxis in the Cult of Amitâbha (ed. by Richard K. Payne and Kenneth K. Tanaka; Kuroda Institute, Studies in East Asian Buddhism, 17; Honolulu, University of Hawai'i Press, 2004; ISBN 0-8248-2578-0), p. 16-51.

  6. Meditation(s) on the Lower Tantras (compil. and ed. by Glenn H. Mullin, ass. ed. Michael Richards). Dharamsala, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, 1983.
    • The Fifth Dalai Lama (1617-1682) : A Practice of Consciousness Transferences involvong Amitabha (The Gateway to Sukhavati), p. 38-44.
    • The Seventh Dalai Lama (1708-1757) : An Amitayus Longevity Yoga (The Unchanging Vajra Life-line), p. 33-38.

  7. The Puja to Amitabha, The Buddha of Boundless Light. Trsl. by the Nun Karma Kelchog Palmo, Thrangu Rinpoche, and Chos Kyi Nyima Tulku. Gantok, Dharma Chakra Center, Rumtek, 1972. Bulletin of Tibetology, Vol. X, No. 2 (Gantok, Namgyal Institute of Tibetology, 15 June 1973), p. 11-34.

  8. Schwieger, Peter : Ein tibetisches Wunschegebet um Wiedergeburt in der Sukhavati (by Ragasya). Beitrage zur Zentralasienforschung, Band 1. St. Augustin, VGH Wissenschaftsverlag, 1978.

  9. Skorupski, Tadeusz : Funeral Rites for Rebirth in Sukhavati Abode (by Ragasya). The Buddhist Forum, Vol. VI (Tring (UK), The Institute of Buddhist Studies, 2001), p. 137-181.

  10. Skorupski, Tadeusz : A Prayer for Rebirth in the Sukhavati (by Ragasya). The Buddhist Forum, Vol. III (Papers in  honours ... of Prof. David Syfort Ruegg ...; London, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1994), p. 373-409.

  11. Skorupski, Tadeusz : A Tibetan Prayer for Rebirth in the Sukhavati (by Ragasya). The Pure Land, N. S, No. 12 (Dec.  1995), p. 205-253.

  12. Thubten Yeshe (Lama) : Transference of Consciousness at the Time of Death, An Introduction to the Practice of Po-wa, the transference of consciousness, taking Refuge in Amitabha, Buddha of Western Paradise. Boston, Wisdom Publications, 1985; 1991.

  13. Tsong Khapa (1357-1419) : Prayer for Rebirth in Sukhavati. In "The Life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa" (ed. by Robert A.F. Thurman; Dharamsala, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives, 1982; 1983), p. 207-212.

  14. Voeux et souhaits émis pour renaître en les purs Champs de Félicité, Les voeux et souhaits pour renaître dans le pur Champ de Félicité émis par le grand et Saint Erudit Raga Asyas (Tcha Me Rimpotche).Td. par Karma Tempa Zangmo (Rose-Marie Mengual). Montchardon, Karma Migyur Ling, 1981.

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Japon / Japan

  1. Andrews, Allan A.: Lay and Monastic Forms of Pure Land Devotionalism: Typology and History; Numen, Vol. 40 (1993), p. 16-37.

  2. Asuka Ryôko : Vers la Terre Pure, Oeuvres classiques du bouddhisme japonais. Paris, L'Harmattan, 1993.

  3. Bowring, Richard : Preparing for the Pure Land in Late Tenth-Century Japan. JJRS 25 / 3-4 (1998), p. 221-257.

  4. Dobbins, James C. : A Brief History of Pure Land Buddhism in Early Japan. In "Engaged Pure Land Buddhism", Studies in Honor of Prof. Alfred Bloom, ed. by Kenneth K. Tanaka and Eisho Nasu; Berkeley, WisdomOcean Publications, 1998), p. 113-165.

  5. Shigematsu Akihisa : An Overview of Japanese Pure Land (trsl. by Michael Solomon); in "The Pure Land Tradition" (Berkeley, 1996), p. 267-312.


  1. Andrews, Allan A.: Genshin's "Essential of Pure Land Rebirth" and the Transmission of Pure Land Buddhism to Japan. The Pacific World (Berkeley, Institute of Buddhist Studies), New Series, No. 5 (1989), p. 20-33; No. 6 (1990), p. 1-15; No. 7 (1991), p. 73-89.

>> Genshin's Works

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  1. Andrews, Allan A. : Myth and History in the Life and Biographies of Hônen. The Pure Land, N.S., No. 2 (Dec. 1985), p. 21-29.

  2. Andrews, Allan A. : Pure Land Buddhist Hermeneutics: Hônen's Interpretation of Nembutsu. JIABS 10 / 2 (1987), p. 7-25.

  3. Andrews, Allan A.: The Senchakushû in Japanese Religious History: The Founding of a Pure Land School; Journal of American Academy of Religion, LV / 3 (Fall 1987), p. 473-499.

  4. Bandô Shôjun : Myôe's Criticism of Hônen's Doctrine. EB, N.S., VII/1 (May 1974); p. 35-54.

  5. Coates, Harper Havelock; Ishizuka Ryûgaku : Hônen, The Buddhist Saint, His Life and Teachings. Kyoto, Chion-in, 1925; rpr. Tokyo, 1930. In 5 vol. : Kyoto, Sekai-Seiten-kanko kyokai, 1949. In 2 vol. : New York and London, Garland Publishing, 1981. - Trsl. of Shunjô (1255-1335), Hônen Shônin gyôjô ezu.

  6. Fujimoto Kiyohiko : Begründer des japanischen Amida-Buddhismus Heiliger Hônen (1133-1212), Biographie, Dialoge und Denken. Osaka, Tohokai, 1987. 54 pp.

  7. King, Winston L.: Hônen's Visualizations of the Pure Land; The Pure Land, N.S., No. 4 (Dec. 1987), p. 126-141.

  8. Kleine, Christoph : Hônen Revisited : A Reappraisal of a Great Heretic; Studies in Central & East Asian Religions, 8 (1995), p. 84-90.

  9. Machida, Sôhô Kojirô : The Specificity of Hônen (1133-1212). Ph. D. University of Pennsylvania, 1992. 272 pp. UMI's order no. 9308620

  10. Morrell, Robert E. : Jôkei and the Kôfukuji Petition. Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, 10 / 1 (1983), p. 6-38. Rpr. in Morrell, "Early Kamakura Buddhism: A Minority Report" (Berkeley, Asian Humanities Press, 1987), p. 66-88.

>> Hônen's Works

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Generalities ¦ Shinran ¦ Shinran's Life ¦ Shinran's Works
Shinshû Scholasticism ¦ Myokonin ¦ Shinshû and Christianism


  1. Buddhism and Jodo Shinshu (ed. by Tsunoda Shodo, Masunaga Shoko, Kumata Kenryo M.). San Francisco, The Buddhist Churches of America, 1955.

  2. Dobbins, James C. : Jodo Shinshu, Shin Buddhism in Medieval Japan. (Religion in Asia and Africa Series). Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1989.

  3. Eracle, Jean : Un bouddhisme pour tous, l'Amidisme. Genève, Société bouddhique suisse Jodo-Shinshu, 1976.

  4. Shinshu Seiten, Jodo Shin Buddhist Teaching (ed. by Tri-State Buddhist Temples). San Francisco, Buddhist Churches of America, 1978.

  5. Suzuki Daisetz Teitarô : Collected Writtings on Shin Buddhism (ed. by The Eastern Buddhist Society). Kyoto, Shinshu Otani-ha, 1973.

  6. Utsuki Nishû : The Shin Sect, A School of Mahâyâna Buddhism. Kyoto, Hompa-Honganji, 1937.

  7. Yamamoto Kôshô : An Introduction to Shin Buddhism. Ube, The Karinbunko, 1963.

  8. Yamamoto Kôshô: The Shinshû Seiten, The Holy Scriptures of Shinshû. Honolulu, Hompa-Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, 1955; rééd. 1961.

  9. Zotz, Volker : Der Buddha im Reinen Land, Shin-Buddhismus in Japan. Diedrichs Gelbe Reihe, Bd. 92; München, Diedrichs, 1991.


  1. Bloom, Alfred : Shinran's Gospel of Pure Grace. Monographs and Papers of the Association for Asian Studies, 20. Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 1965; 3rd. ed. 1973.

  2. Gira, Dennis : Le sens de la conversion dans l'enseignement de Shinran. Collège de France, Bibliothèque de l'Institut des Hautes Études Japonaises. Paris, Maisonneuve et Larose, 1985.
    • Review by Jan Van Bragt : JJRS 13/4 (1986) (pdf)

  3. Ueda Yoshifumi; Hirota, Dennis : Shinran, An Introduction to His Thought. Kyoto, Honganji International Center, 1989.

Shinran's Life

  1. Bloom, Alfred : The Life of Shinran Shonin: The Journey to Self Acceptance. Numen, Vol. XV, 1968.
    - Revised Edition, IBS Monograph Series 1; Berkeley, Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1994.
  2. Kikumura Norihiko: Shinran, His Life and Thought. Los Angeles, The Nembutsu Press, 1972.

  3. Sasaki Gesshô and Suzuki Daisetz Teitarô : The Life of Shinran Shônin [Kakunyo: Godenshô]. Tokyo, Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1911. - Rpr. E.B., vol. 2, no. 5 (1923), p. 217-235. Rpr. in "From the Shin Sect" (Kyôto, Eastern Buddhist Society, 1937). Reed. in Suzuki, "Collected Writtings on Shin Buddhism", p. 165-190.

  4. Takahatake Takamichi : An Annotated Chronological Table of Shinran's Life. Montreal, Centre Monchanin, 1985.

  5. Takahatake Takamichi : Young Man Shinran: A Reappraisal of Shinran’s Life. Waterloo (Ontario), Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1987.
    • Review by Jan Van Bragt : JJRS 15/1 (1988).

Shinran's Works >>

Shinshû Scholasticism

  1. Eidmann, Philipp Karl : A Brief Introduction to the Topics for Discussion of Peace of Mind (Anjin-rondai). San Francisco, Bauddha Associates, 1971.

  2. Fujiwara Ryôsetsu : A Standard of Shinshû Faith. Jodo Shinshu Series, No. 2. San Francisco, Buddhist Churches of America, 1963.

  3. Outline of Jôdo Shinshû (adapted translation of : Fugen Daien, Shinshû yôron, 1976); in "Shinshu Seiten, Jodo Shin Buddhist Teaching" (San Francisco, Buddhist Churches of America, 1978), p. 391-489.


  1. Lenel, Claudia : Lotosblüten im Sumpf, Überlieferung der wunderbar gütigen Menschen aus dem Japanischen Jodo-Shin Buddhismus. Freiburg i.Br., Herder-Taschenbuch, 1048, 1983. ISBN 3451080486.

Shinshû and Christianism

  1. Fox, Douglas A. : Soteriology in Jodo Shinshu and Christianity. Contemporary Religions in Japan IX/ 1-2 (March-June 1968), p. 30-51.

  2. Langer, Kaneko Christiane: Das Reine Land, Zur Begegnung von Amida-Buddhismus und Christentum. Leiden, E.J.Brill, 1986. ISBN 90-04-07786-3

  3. Lubac, Henri de : Amida. "Aspects du Bouddhisme", II. Paris, Seuil, 1955.
    - Réédition à paraître in "Oeuvres complètes", t. XXI (Editions du Cerf).

  4. Schepers, Gerhard : "Naturalness" in Japanese Religion: Shinran's Concept of jinen-hôni. Humanities, 20 (Tokyo, International Christian University, 1986), p. 59-81.

  5. Schepers, Gerhard : Shinran's View of the Human Predicament and the Christian Concept of Faith. Japanese Religions, 15/ 2 (July 1988), p. 1-17.

  6. Takeda, Ryûsei : The Pure Land Buddhist Notion of Faith. Buddhist-Christian Studies, 14 (1994), pp. 43-55. (with a Response by John B. Cobb, Jr.)

  7. Van Bragt, Jan : Buddhism - Shinshu - Christianity : Does Jodo Shinshu form a Bridge between Buddhism and Christianity? Japanese Religions, 18/ 1 (Jan. 1993), p. 47-75.

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  1. Eracle, Jean : "Un than-ka népalais : la Terre Heureuse du Buddha Amitabha". Etudes Asiatiques, XX (1966), p. 41-71.

  2. Jera-Bezard, Robert; Maillard, Monique : "Un paradis d'Amitabha de la Collection Aurel Stein conservé au Musée National de New Delhi". Arts Asiatiques, tome XXXII (1976), p. 269-285.

  3. MInamoto, H. : "L'iconographie de la 'descente d'Amida' " (traduit du japonais par Raymonde Linossier). Mélanges d'orientalisme poubliés par le Musé Guimet (Paris, Leroux, 1932), p. 99-129.

  4. Okazaki, Joji : Pure Land Buddhist Painting (translated and adaptated by Elizbeth ten Grotenhuis). Tokyo, Kodanshsa International and Shibundo, 1977. ISBN 0-87011-287-2.

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