mikkyofrance (eGroups)
"faire connaitre le bouddhisme ésotérique japonais à travers ses différentes écoles Shingon, Tendai, Shugendo. Cette liste, modérée, est ouverte à tous ceux qui s'intéressent au bouddhisme".
The Esoteric meaning of 'Amida' (Amida Hishaku) by Kakuban. An annotated translation with introduction (2000) (First published in the Kogyo Daishi Kakuban kenkyu, 1992)
Kukai's Sokushin-jobutsu-gi (Principle of Attaining Buddhahood witht the Present Body). (First published in the Asia Major, Vol XVII, Part 2, 1972; reproduced with the original text in Japanese as Ryukoku Translation Pamphlet Series 4 in 1975)