bouddhisme (Roger Garin-Michaud)
"liste de diffusion à tous les francophones intéressés par le bouddhisme, elle se veut non sectaire et non dogmatique, c'est un lieu d'échanges et servira d'aide à ceux qui font leurs premiers pas sur le 'chemin du milieu'."
Buddhism (Roger Garin-Michaud)
"a non-dogmatic, non-sectarian mailing list which will allow students of Buddhism to exchange informations, resources, and share the Dharma"
Butsudo (Senso Doko)
"liste de discussion sur le Bouddhisme zen et sa pratique dans la vie quotidienne" Postings in English welcome.
Le Bouddhisme Francophone (chat room) (gérant : Roger Garin-Michaud)
"Un forum pour tous les francophones intéressés par le bouddhisme, qu'ils soient débutants ou pratiquants avancés"
'Buddha-L', or 'Buddhist Academic Discussion Forum', sees its primary purpose as providing a forum for serious academic discussion.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:
The message in the mail body should read: SUBSCRIBE BUDDHA-L John Smith [ie. your name]
'buddhist', or 'Forum on Indian and Buddhist Studies', is a Buddhist umoderated discussion group, which often deals with issues relating to Buddhist practice. 'Buddhist' is, however, intended for discussion of all aspects of Buddhism.
The Buddhist Scholars Information Network has been created to serve as a medium for the exchange of information regarding resources, events, projects, publications, job listings, and so forth, among the worldwide Buddhist scholarly community.
de-buddhisten-l (Verwalter: de-budhisten-l-owner@dec
Die de-buddhisten-l-Mailingliste dient dem Austausch von buddhistisch orientierten Usern. Es wird ueber wichtige Ereignisse informiert.
The message in the mail body should read:
sub eabud John Smith [ie. your name]
Insight Mailing List (
"The INSIGHT list is a forum for open and supportive listening and discussion about Buddhist meditation practice, using the Theravada Buddhist perspective as grounding or basic orientation."
The message in the mail body should read:
subscribe Tibetan-Studies-L your-e-mail-address
ZenBuddhism-L (ANU, Dharman Craig Presson)
Provides a world-wide communications vehicle for exchange of scholarly and factual information dealing with Zen/Ch'an/Son Buddhism.